
Cloud Connectivity



CloudBoost powered by Teridion delivers a fast, secure, and global WAN for your enterprise.  The WAN service is built on the networks of over 25 public cloud providers worldwide. like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Softlayer, Digital Ocean, and many others. This breadth is how Teridion lead the market and provide over >500 points of presence globally.  Teridion’s core technology makes the Internet act like carrier-grade private WAN links. In fact, Teridion’s technology does so well at improving performance, we stand behind it with a carrier-grade service level agreement.

Site-to-Site Acceleration

Teridion For Enterprise enables low-cost broadband access to perform like MPLS by connecting the WAN edge to our cloud-based WAN service. Teridion uses deep learning capabilities to orchestrate the best route for maximum acceleration, minimal packet delivery latency, and packet loss mitigation. Teridion radically improves speed and throughput worldwide vs regular public Internet performance through the proven overlay network and WAN accelerator.

Teridion For Enterprise is a snap-in integration to existing SD-WAN offers from all major vendors, and all IPSec supporting devices. It is delivered as a true cloud service and it’s flexible, easy and fast to deploy.

CloudBoost for SaaS

Great performance, from anywhere Teridion’s multi-cloud network as a service solution ensures a high performance, reliable user experience for dynamic, interactive SaaS applications on any device, anywhere in the world.

CloudBoost for Remote Connectivity

As more employees work remotely, enterprises face increasing challenges connecting them effectively to the organization’s network. Working remotely increases employees’ exposure to the volatility of the public Internet. Teridion’s solution is like having MPLS wherever you are. It provides high performance connectivity without any additional hardware or software. The solution allows employees to work remotely, using any device and operating system. It optimizes the use of Teams, Zoom and other unified communications tools and delivers fast, reliable access to your workloads in the cloud and on site.

The patented algorithm connects remote employees to the optimal Point of Presence to ensure consistently good performance. Performance SLAs at an MPLS-level are guaranteed.

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